Glow Blogs Archive
P2- Friday 12th June
Good Morning Everyone! Hope we have all enjoyed supports week and have managed to add to your fitness diary! Assembly - 9:15am on TEAMS then afterwards on the blog. Literacy - Reading and answering questions about sports day WEEK 10 Friday literacy - Sports Day reading If this doesn't work, here are the pdf alternatives: Sports Day [...]
P1- Friday 12th June
Good morning, wishing you all a happy Friday! Your final 2 activities for sports week will be posted by Mr Blair today. Please remember to send us your sports week scores. Hopefully you have seen the special secret mission that we posted yesterday and you will be able to help us out. Our virtual assembly [...]
P2/3 Friday 12th June 2020 - Literacy - Sports Day reading and maths challenges
Friday 12th June 2020 Assembly - 9:15am on TEAMS then afterwards on the blog. Miss Anderson and I are very proud of you all. Hopefully you are managing to add to your fitness diary and try a little bit of exercise each day (inspired by the staff). We have a SHOUT OUT each week for [...]
Calling all P1s we have another secret mission for you!
Hi P1, Mrs McKay and I would like to ask for your help on another secret mission. As you will know we are getting near to the end of term and our amazing P7 buddies are going to be moving on to high school. We thought it would be lovely if you could record them [...]
Day 4
See Mr Wood's and Miss Mackay's examples below. @MrWoodP7 — Uphall PS (@TEAMUphallPS) June 11, 2020
P1 HWB- Thursday 11th June
Good morning, hope you have another productive day. We are looking forward to seeing how you are getting on with your Health and Wellbeing activities. There will be some more familiar faces showing you how to do 2 more activities for sports week. Have fun. Mrs McKay and Miss Mackay
P2- Thursday 11th June
Good Morning P2 Today, we are using our knowledge of functional writing to create a poster for an athlete then, using our maths skills, we will be calculating ordinal numbers and time intervals. WEEK 10 Thursday literacy - Athlete information poster instructions Here is my example for the Athlete, Lynne Beattie. You will see I [...]
Thursday 11th June- P3 Home Learning
Good morning! Today we will be continuing with our sporting theme! Stay tuned on the blog/ Twitter for our next 'Sports Day' challenge! Remember to keep score of your points as you will be submitting these at the at of the week! Literacy: Complete your fitness diary. L.I. To write a Biography about your [...]
P2/3 Thursday 11th June 2020 - Literacy - Athlete Information Poster and Maths - Ordinal numbers/time intervals
Thursday 11th June 2020 Literacy - Creating an information poster for an athlete Good morning P2/3. I hope you are enjoying Sports Week and the funny "sporting activities" the staff are posting for you to try. Did you try the sock and spoon race yesterday? Today, we are using our knowledge of functional writing to [...]
P1 (P1L and P1S) Health and Wellbeing
Thursday 11th June 2020 Good morning. Since the forecast looks a bit better for today, I am giving you the task of going on a listening walk - either in the garden or out of the house. What sounds can you hear? Tell someone in your house about what sounds you hear. Mrs Grenfell
P2 and P2/3 Extra Phonics Support
Thursday 11th June 2020 11-06-20 P2-3 Phonics u missing beg,medial,end Good morning. I hope everyone is well. Here is and activity to complete with some sounds you have been learning. Fill in the missing letter to make the correct word that matches the picture. Mrs Grenfell
P1 Art Work
Here are some lovely examples of Henri Matisse's work by P1: