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P1 2023/2024 Transition Update - School Uniform

At Uphall Primary School we expect pupils to follow our dress code by wearing school uniform. All items can be purchased through the Border Embroideries website ( a purple or white polo shirt a purple sweatshirt/jumper/cardigan (P1-P6) a black sweatshirt/jumper/cardigan (P7 only) a black or grey skirt/pinafore/trousers black shoes Please ensure all items are labelled with [...]

Lendrick Muir - Day 2 - 28.2.23

We got up, dressed, showered and down for breakfast at 8:30am. Breakfast was delicious and we first had a choice of cereal followed by toast with jam or butter. We washed it down with some apple or orange juice. Everyone enjoyed the toast and asked for more. The morning activities started at 10am and [...]

Lendrick Muir - Day 2 - 28.2.23

Good morning from Lendrick Muir! All the children are happy and smiling after achieving their first overnight stay at camp! They've had a delicious breakfast and are already thinking about what's for lunch and dinner! It's safe to say the food has been a hit! The activities for the day have just started with a [...]

Lendrick Muir - Day 1 - 27.2.23

We arrived at 10:15am and had an introduction and tour of the Lendrick Muir site. After that, we went on to have our first bit of free time (we got to play football and games) and exploring the common areas. We had our lunch which was a choice of different sandwiches that we ordered when [...]

PE Gymnastics

Today P7/6S started their new PE topic on 'Gymnastics'. Each week the class will carry out some focused mat work to rehearse the basic shapes, link movements together and create partner and group balances. Each week the class will also work on the large apparatus to develop rope, ladder, and vaulting skills. Well done P7/6S!

PE - Dance

As part of their PE Dance topic, P6M will be learning a variety of dances from other cultures. First on the list was the New Zealand 'HAKA'. Traditionally, the Māori people of New Zealand performed haka to display a tribe's pride, strength and unity. The haka is commonly known as a war dance used to [...]

Science - Light

It was amazing to see the results of the hard work that P6M put into this topic. The class looked at how light travels in straight lines and then they used mirrors to change the direction of the light from a torch. The pupils then designed and built Lego mazes putting mirrors at the [...]

Science - Christmas Lights

P6M took their knowledge of simple circuits to the next level when they were challenged to create a parallel circuit to power Christmas tree lights. The number of fingers shown by the teams represents how many lights there were able to light up in their parallel circuit. The pupils then drew Christmas trees [...]

Science - Sound

P6M made string telephones and carried out a range of tests to find out which resources carried the sound most effectively. We talked about investigations in Science, how they are carried out, the importance of a fair test and variables. The things that the pupils changed/tested were: Material the cups were made of (plastic/paper), the length [...]

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