Monday 25th May P3 Home Learning
Hola amigos! Bonjour! Ca va? What’s the theme this week? That’s right! You’ve guessed it! Languages and Travel!
- Literacy
Imagine you could go on holiday anywhere! Where would you go? Who would you go with? What would you do? Pretend to write a postcard from your dream location. Try to include some Spanish or French words. Look at our example here: Postcard from Spain
Please note! This is pretend- we are NOT currently on holiday! We can dream though!
2. Numeracy- Data Handling
Can you collate data about people’s favourite travel destination? Can you represent this in a tally chart? See here: Maths-challenge 1
Comment on the blog your favourite travel destination and then we can all use that information for our tally chat.
3.Phonics/ Reading/Spelling
Complete one activity from the carousel each day! Spelling phonicsreading carousel
- Languages Activity
Complete one language challenge. You can choose from either the French or Spanish challenge sheet!
the_great_spanish_language_challenge (1)
- Emotion Works
We revisited Emotion Works in assembly last Friday. This week’s task is about ‘Emotion words’ see here: Emotion Works week one P123