Glow Blogs Archive
P1 2023/2024 Transition Update - Learning Programmes
At Uphall Primary School we use a range of learning programmes to support children as they learn new skills. Literacy and Language We use the Vowel House and Colourful Consonant approach when learning phonics. This approach links colour, actions and shapes to help children learn new sounds and blend them together to read words. We [...]
P1 2023/2024 Transition Update - What do you need when you start school?
When your child starts school they will need items to support their learning and when participating in indoor and outdoor PE lessons. Below is a list of items your child will need for starting school. All clothing and equipment should be clearly labelled with your child's name. Please make sure that your child's name is [...]
P1 2023/2024 Transition Update - School Uniform
At Uphall Primary School we expect pupils to follow our dress code by wearing school uniform. All items can be purchased through the Border Embroideries website ( a purple or white polo shirt a purple sweatshirt/jumper/cardigan (P1-P6) a black sweatshirt/jumper/cardigan (P7 only) a black or grey skirt/pinafore/trousers black shoes Please ensure all items are labelled with [...]
Lendrick Muir - Day 2 - 28.2.23
We got up, dressed, showered and down for breakfast at 8:30am. Breakfast was delicious and we first had a choice of cereal followed by toast with jam or butter. We washed it down with some apple or orange juice. Everyone enjoyed the toast and asked for more. The morning activities started at 10am and [...]
Lendrick Muir - Day 2 - 28.2.23
Good morning from Lendrick Muir! All the children are happy and smiling after achieving their first overnight stay at camp! They've had a delicious breakfast and are already thinking about what's for lunch and dinner! It's safe to say the food has been a hit! The activities for the day have just started with a [...]
P7 Maths Challenge Awards
A huge well done to three of our P7 pupils for achieving a bronze level award for the Scottish Maths Challenge. They attended an award ceremony today at Edinburgh Napier University where they received their certificate.
P1 2023/2024 Transition Update - Things you can do at home to support your child
Here are some ideas of things you can do with your child to help them develop literacy, numeracy and independent skills as they get ready to move into Primary One. Play "I spy" but spell out the word instead of just saying a letter e.g. p-e-n and see if your child can slide the sounds [...]
P1 2023/2024 Transition Update - Learning Programmes
At Uphall Primary School we use a range of learning programmes to support children as they learn new skills. Literacy and Language We use the Vowel House and Colourful Consonant approach when learning phonics. This approach links colour, actions and shapes to help children learn new sounds and blend them together to read words. We [...]
P1 2023/2024 Transition Update - What do you need when you start school?
When your child starts school they will need items to support their learning and when participating in indoor and outdoor PE lessons. Below is a list of items your child will need for starting school. All clothing and equipment should be clearly labelled with your child's name. Please make sure that your child's name is [...]