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P4 - Wednesday 22nd April 2020 (Literacy)

Wednesday Literacy Activities Master pdfEarth Day Reading Comprehension

P2- Tuesday 21st April 2020

Good Morning Everyone!! Here are today's lessons Grammar lesson 1 Week 3 Verbs Numeracy lesson 2 addition week 3 Phonics Session 2 ea words wk 3 Have a lovely day Miss Swift

P2/3 Tuesday 21st April

Good Morning Everyone! I hope you had a lovely day yesterday and got outside to enjoy some sunshine. Here are today's tasks. Please let me know how you get on with them. Have a good day! Miss Anderson Phonics Session 2 ea words wk 3 Numeracy lesson 2 addition week 3 Grammar lesson 1 Week [...]

Tuesday 21st April P3 Home Learning

Please click on the lessons below and say hello! Literacy lesson Tuesday 21st April WEEK 3Spelling phonicsreading carousel Numeracy lesson Tuesday 21st April P3 General task grid WEEK 3 Any problems let me know!

P1 Home Learning Tuesday 21st.

Morning all, here is what we would like you to work on today. Please also see plan for more details. Literacy • Your common words for today are, he, was, for, on and are. Brain Break! One of our favorites Numeracy • Mental maths as on timetable. • Create a timetable for your day/week. [...]

P6B Work Tuesday 21st April

21.04.20 P6B Work Tuesday Capacity PP Writing Task 21.04.20 My Easter Holiday

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