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P5 - Free Choice Friday

Happy Friday Free Choice Friday

P2/3 Friday 15th May - Literacy (writing a fact file)

Friday 15th May 2020 - Literacy LI - Write a fact file SC - Include key facts about an artist (at least 3) Thanks to everyone who shared their art work with us this week. We are very impressed with your hard work and delighted with your creativity! We are preparing a digital gallery to [...]

P1 Art and Scavenger Hunt

Here are some lovely pieces of art: Here is someone enjoying their scavenger hunt!

Music and Me

Hi Everyone I hope that you are all well. Re: Music & Me I thought it would be nice to share this lovely music session for you to try at home and when we are back open we can continue it with the children. There will be a video session uploaded every week. Click the [...]

P1 French

Earlier in the year, I was working with all the P1s teaching them French. I thought I would upload some of the French songs they children learnt and others they listened too. Most of them are available on YouTube. Les Poissons - fish song Colours song - Snails song - for numbers - we [...]

Thursday 14th May P3 Home Learning

Thursday Complete a task from the Phonics/Reading carousel Spelling phonicsreading carousel Literacy- L.I. to edit and improve your fact-file. Check your writing from yesterday. Have you remembered... -Capital letters at the start of sentences and for names? - Full stops at the end of sentences? - To organise your writing in paragraphs? [...]

P2/3 Thursday 14th May - Maths

14.5.20 3d shape challenge L.I. To identify the properties of 3D shapes. Can you identify the properties of 3D shapes that you found on your shape hunt yesterday? Add a column for the vertices, edges and faces of each shape! 3d shape table Any questions, please just ask. Thank you, Mrs BP x

P2- Thursday 14th May

Good Morning Everyone! Thank you for those who have shared their fantastic art work, I am very impressed with your creations. Remember to keep tweeting or emailing your art work so they can be displayed at the Art gallery tomorrow . Maths- Properties of 3D shapes 3D properties Literacy- Reading Task Today, read the information [...]

P1 Home Learning Thursday 14th

Morning P1. I hope you are all well this morning. Today's activity is all about having some fun with capacity and measuring out liquids. The magic potion shop is running very low can you help them to restock their shelves? magic-potion-instructions Note to parents- Recipes are just for guidance, you can alter amounts to make [...]

Thursday 14th May 2020

Good morning P5A! Hope you are all raring to go with your learning! Remember you can email Mrs Galek and I your work if you aren't working on Teams at the moment, we'd love to see it! Thursday 14th May

P2/3 Thursday 14th May - Literacy (reading)

Thursday 30th April 2020 Frida Kahlo reading comprehension Good morning and well done to those of you who shared your art work so far. We've enjoyed looking at your lovely creations and we're pleased to see some of you have also started writing your own invitations for Friday's art gallery. Today, read the information passage [...]

P1 Art

These are amazing! Such great ideas you have. Thanks for sending them in. I have now worked out how to upload pictures you email to the blog. I am still learning too! I can post pictures as long as children's names do not appear on them. Mrs Grenfell

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