Glow Blogs Archive
P1 (P1L and P1S) Art
Tuesday 12th May 2020 I can use my hands to create a piece of art. Can you draw round your hands and use is to make a picture? You can use your hand as many times as you want. You can use any colours or materials you have in the house. I love seeing [...]
P6B Work - Tuesday 12th May
12.05.20 P6B Work
Monday 11 May P3 Home Learning REPOST
THIS IS A REPOST. I AM HOPING THE LINKS WORK NOW- PLEASE LET ME KNOW! This week is Art Week! We will be working towards creating your own Art Gallery (at home) which you can showcase to your family on Friday! Complete one activity from the Reading/ Phonics carousel Spelling phonicsreading carousel Literacy L.I. To identify [...]
P2/3 Monday 11th May
Good Morning Everyone! I hope you are all well and have been enjoying the sun. This week is Art week and we will be working towards our own Art Gallery opening on Friday! Even Aria and I will be displaying our art and giving you a wee look at it! There are 2 grids for [...]
P2-Monday 11th May
Good morning, everyone! Hope you had a nice relaxing weekend and managed to enjoy some time outside in the sunshine. This week is Art Week! We will be working towards creating your own Art Gallery (at home) which you can showcase to your family on Friday! Maths :L.I. To identify 2D shapes Remind yourself of [...]
Monday 11th May P3 Home Learning
This week is Art Week! We will be working towards creating your own Art Gallery (at home) which you can showcase to your family on Friday! Complete one activity from the Reading/ Phonics carousel Spelling phonicsreading carousel Literacy L.I. To identify the key features of a WAGOLL. This week you will be writing a [...]
Primary 1 learning activities-Monday 11th May
Good morning, we hope you've all had a lovely weekend. Our activities for you this week are slightly different. We would like you to spend this week working on a personal project to help you find out more about people who help us. Mrs McKay knows from past experience just how heavy the fire fighters [...]
P5 - 11th May 2020
Hello P5 Attached is today's learning activities. Enjoy x Monday 11th May Mild Hot SPLAT-4.3-instant-multiple-splats
P3 - PE Challenge
HWB - Blinding Lights Dance Challenge. Record and upload your best attempt with family or just on your own. I will also upload my attempt if enough of you get involved! Use the audio and dance moves from this clip - Post your video reply in the comments! Trust me it is harder than [...]
P6B Work - Monday 11th May
11.05.20 P6 Work 11.05.20- Adverbs
Art Gallery announcement for P2, P2/3 and P3
Exciting news! P2, P2/3 and P3 are invited to share their art work in an online art gallery next Friday. We will post details on Monday and more information each day. Happy weekend, Mrs BP, Miss Anderson, Miss Swift and Miss Hall. art gallery message
P2- Friday 8th March
Happy Friday P2, Reminder- This week we are focusing on online safety. Details can be found here: VE Day - 8 May 2020 Today is the 75th anniversary of victory in Europe during WW2. VE day was commemorated in various ways, including street parties and the production of special cups. Task 1- To decorate some bunting, it could [...]