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P2 and P3 Extra Phonics Support

Thursday 14th May 2020 Good morning! Click on the link to watch a video about the "h" sound. Next week, I will post some activities using the "h" sound. Extra activity - use your letter mat to make words and then read them back to an adult. Mrs Grenfell

P1 (P1L and P1S) - Health and Wellbeing

Thursday 14th May 2020 Good morning, P1. I hope you are all well. Some of you commented that you enjoyed the last scavenger hunt. Here is one for inside the house: Good luck! Mrs Grenfell

For Primary 1.

Hi everyone, I hope that you are all well and enjoying this weeks project. As promised here is my skipping video. I tried my best with the challenges but might need to practise a bit more. I'll try to do another video for next week and see if I can improve. Miss Mackay

Great Science Share Week 2

Great Science Share Week 2 Let's shoot to the stars and celebrate the Royal Astronomical Society's 200th birthday! Be inspired to look upwards and to think about the place we have in the Universe, amongst the planets and the variety of stars that light up our sky. Things to think about: How is a meteorite [...]

P2/3 Wednesday 13th May

Good Morning! I hope you are all well. Last night we did some of Steven Brown's Highland cow drawings. We really enjoyed this task. I hope you are enjoying art week. Here is today's math's task and also the Fry's words for you to keep practising. 3D Shapes Fry's Words 1000 Mrs BP has already [...]

Numeracy Day 2020

Numeracy Day 2020 Lesson


Dear Parent/Carer Please remember that we recommend that you do not post anything on the blog that has your child's details on it. Please send us anything that contains your child's details on their Learning Journal or via school email: Many thanks, stay safe! Uphall ELC

P4 - Weekly Learning Grid 2

Good Morning P4S, This is the learning grid for this coming week. Microsoft word file: Home Learning Grid- Primary 4 - Week beginning - 11th May PDF: Home Learning Grid- Primary 4 - Week beginning - 11th May

Primary 1 Transition Activities: Week 1

For all the children starting school this year here are some fun activities for you to carry out at home. Have fun! Starting Your Transition to Primary 1 Welcome to our transition activities Go to this Sway

Wednesday 13th May P3 Home Learning

Wednesday Complete one activity from the Reading/ Phonics Carousel Spelling phonicsreading carousel Literacy- L.I. To write a fact-file about your chosen artist. Use your notes from yesterday to produce your own fact-file about your chosen artist! Remember it should look a bit like the WAGOLL. Remember... -A title -Sub-headings - To write in [...]

P2- Wednesday 13th May

Good Morning Everyone! This week, as you know, we are working towards hosting an online art gallery on Friday. You can tweet or e-mail pictures of your work (by Thursday please) and we will add them to the gallery for review. Literacy art gallery invitation WAGOLL Today, use the invitation from your teachers to write [...]

P2/3 Wednesday 13th May - Literacy (invitation)

Wednesday 13th May 2020 Writing an invitation Hello! I hope you all had a lovely weekend and you're enjoying Art Week so far. This week, as you know, we are working towards hosting an online art gallery on Friday. You can tweet or e-mail pictures of your work (by Thursday please) and we will add [...]

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