Glow Blogs Archive
Thursday 7th May P3 Home Learning
Good morning P3! Firstly, I hope you are all remembering to do your PE lessons every morning with #pewithjoe !? Here is a reminder to do your online safety work! You can find the information here There are 4 home activities packs for you to work through at your own pace but try to complete [...]
P2/3 Thursday 7th May
Thursday 7th May 2020 Good morning P2/3. Another lovely day! A wee reminder to have a look at the Think You Know website and the optional digital learning grid. DT-Grid-Early-Level DT-Grid-First-Level The Daily Draw Each day a new word will be posted (here and to Twitter) as a drawing prompt. I look forward to seeing [...]
P1 (P1L and P1S) Art and Health and Wellbeing (combined activity)
Thursday 7th May 2020 07-05-20 P1 HWB-Art Click on the link for today's activity. Mrs Grenfell
P2 and P2/3 Extra Phonics Suppport - blending and "b" sound
07-05-20 P2-3 Phonics.docx Click on the link to revise the sound "b". Mrs Grenfell
P2- Thursday 7th May
Good Morning P2, I hope you all enjoyed the lovely sunshine yesterday and managed to get outside. Reminder- This week we are focusing on online safety. Details can be found here: Creative/fun task! Make your own piece of Art using food. This does not need to be wasteful, you can use leftovers or make a [...]
Thursday 7th May
Good morning P5A! Hope you are well today! It's a gorgeous day so if you can why don't you work outside for a bit? Remember to take breaks from your screen too and enjoy the fresh air!Thursday 7th May
P1 Home Learning Thursday 7th May
Literacy: Foundations of Writing 'I am in the garden...planting seeds.' Please click on the link below for an example. FOW I'm in the garden Math: Please click on the link for the activities. If you are able you can print it out and complete. If not you can talk about it together. capacity and volume [...]
P6B Work - Thursday 7th May
07.05.20 P6 Work
We continue to explore the signs of spring!
Hello Everyone What a beautiful morning with the shining sun. I hope that you are well and ready for another spring activity! In spring we see lots of new baby animals out in the wild and also at home. All the children love to care for our Guinea pigs and there was a real focus [...]
P2- Wednesday 6th May
Hello Everyone, I hope that you have had a lovely long weekend and are ready for some more home learning activities. For our short week we have an online safety focus and an optional digital learning grid. Details can be found here: edium=email&utm_term=0_0b54505554-03f521e658-64731450 DT-Grid-Early-Level DT-Grid-First-Level Here is this weeks spellings! Spellings Wk5- 06.5.20 Here [...]
Wednesday 6th May P3 home learning
Good morning P3! So this week the whole school are going to complete some online safety work! You can find the information here There are 4 home activities packs for you to work through at your own pace but try to complete them all by Friday. If you have any problems then please let me [...]
P2/3 Wednesday 6th May
Good morning P2/3. Hope you all had a lovely long weekend. We know you enjoyed our outdoor learning last week but, for the rest of this short week, we have an online safety focus and an optional digital learning grid. Details can be found here: Thinkuknow is the education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK [...]