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P1 Home Learning Wed 6th May

Hello Everyone, Mrs McKay and I hope that you have had a lovely long weekend and are ready for some more home learning activities. Wednesday 6th May Blog Please click on the link for todays learning.

P5 - Wednesday 6th May

Morning P5, Attached is today's learning - Enjoy! wednesday 6th May

P6B Work - Wednesday 6th May

06.05.20 P6B Work Word Boost - Catscape 2 06.05.20 06.05.20 VE Day Information PowerPoint 06.05.20 Black and White WW2 Spitfire Glider 06.05.20 Coloured WW2 Spitfire Glider 06.05.20 VE Day Teacup Design

PE - P3/2 - Star Wars

In the spirit of May the 4th, complete this star wars online work out! Watch out for those storm troopers and be sure to grab your lightsaber. And may the force be with you...

P1 2020/2021 Transition Update - School Uniform

At Uphall Primary School our uniform consists of: a purple or white polo shirt a purple sweatshirt/jumper/cardigan (P1-P6) a black sweatshirt/jumper/cardigan (P7 only) a black or grey skirt/pinafore/trouser a tartan pinafore or kilt can also be worn black shoes You can order and purchase key school uniform items from BE Schoolwear: Please check the website [...]

Look out for a special post on the learning journals!

Hello Everyone We are into May already! Hope you had a nice weekend Please look out for a special post from Mrs Jenning on the learning journals this week. Regards ELC Team

Weekly Learning Grid - Wednesday 6th May

Next week we are going to trial something new to allow you to have more choice over what you do and when. In the FILES for next week you will see we have uploaded a 'Weekly Learning Grid'. This includes all of the activities for next week and you can select 2 or 3 every [...]

Friday 1st May P3 Home Learning

Morning P3! So lessons this week have been quite different! We have been trying to reduce screen time and I've been trying to cut down the amount of work a little! Now, I need your feedback! How have you found the change? Have you had enough to do? Do you want anything more? Please give [...]

P2- Friday 1st May

Good morning Everyone! Can you believe it is the 1st of May already. Thank you to everyone who has sent me pictures of your delicious fruit creations Please continue to do so at: or post them on twitter. Today, I would like you to check these instructions for a STRAWBERRY SMOOTHIE make sense because [...]

P5 - Friday 1st May

Free Choice Friday Enjoy x Free Choice Friday

P1 learning activities-Friday 1st May

Good Morning, the weeks are whizzing by-can't believe we are now in the month of May, the weather is looking better for the days ahead. Fingers crossed we have lots of sun over this holiday weekend. We'll be back on Wednesday to share your learning tasks. Please also see plan for more details. Literacy Dictation [...]

'Design a Superbear' Competition : Calling all kids! We need your help designing a superhero-themed bear to grace our shelves this Christmas. The winning bear will be sold in all John Lewis and Waitrose shops with 100% of the profits going to the NHS in support of all their incredible work. To enter simply draw, sketch and design your Superbear [...]

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