Glow Blogs Archive
P6 Work - Wednesday 29th April
29.04.20 P6 Work Day 8 Problem Solving Wednesday 29th April Word Boost - Catscape 29.04.20 Wednesday 29th April - French Restaurant Food
P2 and P2/3 Extra Phonics Support - blending the " f " sound to read words.
Wednesday 29th April 2020 Click on the link see the lesson and activities for blending the "f" sound to read it in three-letter words. 29-04-20 P2-3 Blend f Mrs Grenfell
P1 (P1L and P1S) P.E Activities
Wednesday 29th April Good morning! Here are some P.E related activities: Mrs Grenfell
P1 art task
Hi P1, I hope you are all having a lovely day and enjoying todays learning activities. I thought I would have a go a sketching a bird from my garden like you are all doing. Every day we have a little robin that comes to visit my parents back garden, so that is what I [...]
Tuesday 28th April 2020 - P4 Learning Activities
Activities for today, please some overview on TEAMS: Numeracy Activities - Tuesday Weather Art - Tuesday Tuesday28thApril Literacy Activities
Tuesday 28th April P3 Home Learning
Good Morning! We will be continuing to reduce our screen time with our lessons today! Literacy- L.I. To draw and annotate my own comic strip Success Criteria I can draw a comic strip with 6 boxes. I can think of my own storyline. I can write the speech of the characters in speech bubbles. I [...]
P2/3 Tuesday 28th April :)
Good Morning! I hope you are all well today! Here is a copy of the outdoor grid again and today's phonics and numeracy challenges. Hope you all enjoy! Let me know how you get on! Miss Anderson Phonics-Session sounds hunt task 2 week 4 General task grid week 4 Maths challenge 2
P1 learning activities Tuesday 28th April
Good morning, here is what we would like you to work on today. Please also see plan for more details. Literacy Your common words for today as, with, his, they, I Numeracy Money activities (see weekly plan) Afternoon Mrs Grenfell will provide an art activity for you.
P5 - Tuesday 28th April 2020
P5 Learning activities attached. Tuesday 28th April Mild Spicy Hot
P2- Tuesday 28th April
Good Morning Everyone, Hope we enjoyed a little less screen time yesterday. Here are today's reduce screen time activities. Maths challenge 2 Phonics-Session-sounds-hunt-week-4 Here is a reminder of the outdoor learning weekly grid. General task grid week 4 Remember to share your photos or leave me a comment on the blog! Have a lovely day [...]
P6 Tuesday Afternoon
ICT - Touch Typing. Dance Mat Typing Skills - Level 4. you find level 4 too challenging, you can select levels 1, 2 or 3 to help build your confidence in touch typing. Now that we are using technology more than ever, I am sure you all understand why touch typing is such a key [...]
P2 - PE
PE - Throw the Teabag Challenge. You have to try and throw the tea bag into the cup in as least attempts as possible. You can choose the distance and also the type of throw, maybe even try to kick the tea bag into the cup if you wanted to challenge yourself. Upload a video [...]