Glow Blogs Archive
P1 art
Super creations, my little girl had fun gathering things in the garden and seeing what she could create in her twig frame before the wind blew some of the things away!
Wednesday 22nd April 2020
Todays activities something to watch Wednesday 22nd April 2020 - Numeracy Wednesday Literacy Activities Master pdf Earth Day Reading Comprehension
P1 - P.E (P1L and P1S)
Here are some P.E activities to keep you active: Roll the Die/Dice Roll a die/dice and complete the activity. You can do it with a partner or on your own. You can do it as many times as you like. If you don't have a dice, you could write numbers on scrap paper and choose [...]
P2/3 Wednesday activities! :)
Good Morning Everyone! It is a beautiful day again! Thank you to those of you who have sen me messages on the blog telling me about your Easter holiday and about how you have been getting on with work. I really appreciate hearing about all about you. Here are some of today's activities. I know [...]
P2/3 Phonics - Extra Support for Blending "i" in three-letter words.
22-04-20 P2-3 Phonics Click on the link for some activities for blending sounds to read words. I hope everyone is well and had a good Easter. Mrs Grenfell
Wednesday 22nd April P3 Home Learning
Morning all! Here are you lessons for today! Numeracy lesson Wednesday 22nd April P3 Literacy lesson Wesnesday 22nd April WEEK 3Spelling phonicsreading carousel General task grid WEEK 3 As usual if you have any problems just let me know, I love hearing from you!
P2-Wednesday 22nd April
Good Morning Everyone! Here are today's lessons. Grammar lesson 1 Wk3 Verbs I've written you a postcard to let you know what I've been up to. Please read it then answer the questions using the link. This will take you to a short questionnaire. Thank you. postcard Literacy lesson week 3 Functional part 1 of [...]
P1 Home Learning Wednesday 22nd.
Good morning, we hope that you are all settling back in to home learning again. Here is what we would like you to work on today. Please also see plan for more details. Literacy • Our new sound today is 'igh'. 'igh' is a moving vowel sound and comes from the Inky's Vowel House. • [...]
Week 3 - Literacy P2/3, Postcards (part 1 of 3)
Wednesday 22nd April 2020 Hello P2/3. Welcome back to the blog! You will find Literacy lessons here Wednesday to Friday. I hope you all had a lovely holiday and have been managing to check Twitter. I've written you a postcard to let you know what I've been up to. Please read it then answer the [...]
P6B Work Wednesday 22nd April
22.04.20 P6B Work Wednesday 22nd April - French Groceries
P6B Afternoon
Daily Challenge Every day will now include a daily fun challenge for the remainder of the term. Today, Wednesday 22nd April, is Earth Day. Your challenge is to spend at least one hour using no electricity. Health and Wellbeing. Download or print the Covid-19 Time Capsule document. Complete the activities by the end of the [...]
P3/2 PE Wednesday
Physical - Go to the website Go Noodle. Select and choose some of the activities from the Fresh Start Fitness tab. Physical - Join Joe Wicks for a live PE lesson at 9am on his YouTube page Mental - Go to the Cosmic Kids Website and take part in a mindfullness video.