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P2/3 Daily Draw Friday 1st May

The Daily Draw Each day a new word will be posted as a drawing prompt. i have been tweeting these but today, I thought I'd also share on the blog. I look forward to seeing your work! You can tweet your pictures, e-mail your pictures or comment on the blog to tell me what [...]

P6 John Lewis Design a Superbear Competition

John Lewis & Partners 'Design a Superbear' Competition Calling all kids! We need your help designing a superhero-themed bear to grace our shelves this Christmas. The winning bear will be sold in all John Lewis and Waitrose shops with 100% of the profits going to the NHS in support of all their incredible work. [...]

P2/3 Literacy - instructions (part 3 of 3)

Friday 1st May 2020 Good morning and happy 1st of May! Miss Anderson and I have enjoyed looking at your work that you have been e-mailing to school. Please continue to do so at: Today, I would like you to check these instructions for a STRAWBERRY SMOOTHIE make sense because I think they're in [...]

P6 Work - Friday 1st May

01.05.20 P6 Work Small letters 4 - u 01.05.20 P6H Work

P1 secret mission.

Hi P1 I need your help with a little something. Click the link below to find out more. Secret mission Thank you Miss Mackay x PS. Don't tell Mrs McKay!

A 'cheer me up' video for you to watch

Dear Parent/Carer The sunshine had gone so we thought this would be nice to cheer you up! Uphall ELC team have created a lovely video for you to watch with your child. See if they can recognise anyone, I am sure that they will love it! Remember to leave a reply. Regards Uphall ELC

Thursday 30th April P3 Home Learning

Morning all! Again, we are trying to reduce screen time today but you will need to quickly flick through the Literacy PPoint. Literacy- L.I. I can write direct speech Success Criteria I can write the speech from my comic strip into direct speech. I can remember to follow the rules of direct speech. I [...]

Thursday 30th April P3 Home Learning

Morning all! Again, we are trying to reduce screen time today but you will need to quickly flick through the Literacy PPoint. Literacy- L.I. I can write direct speech Success Criteria I can write the speech from my comic strip into direct speech. I can remember to follow the rules of direct speech. I [...]

P2/3 numeracy - using tally marks

Thursday 30th April 2020 Today's Maths challenge! If the weather clears up and you go on your daily walk can you count the number of rainbows you see? (If it stays very wet today, perhaps use tally marks to count something around your house or garden, such as objects with each colour of the rainbow?) [...]

P2/3 Literacy 30th April - instructions (part 2 of 3)

Thursday 30th April 2020 - writing instructions Good morning! Not such nice weather today. The perfect opportunity to stay in, make healthy snacks and do a bit of writing. Thank you so much to those of you who posted or e-mailed your fruit kebab pictures to myself and Miss Anderson. We love seeing your home [...]

P2- Thursday 30th April

Good Morning P2! I hope you all enjoyed making fruit kebabs yesterday. Today, I would like you to write your own instructions for the fruit kebab you made (or whatever creation you made). Functional writing (instructions part 2 of 3) Maths-challenge-4 Instructions reminder for fruit kebabs Maths Challenge Maths-challenge-4 Remember to write a comment or share your [...]

P1 learning activities-Thursday 30th April

Happy Thursday everyone, another week of home learning almost complete. Here is what we would like you to work on today if you can. Literacy Write a thank you letter to a key worker (more details in weekly plan) Numeracy See weekly plan for money activities to be worked on this week. Reading for [...]

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