Glow Blogs Archive
P2/3 Numeracy today :)
Good Morning! Here is today's numeracy task. Let me know how you get on. Enjoy! Numeracy lesson 2 subtraction week 3
P2- Thursday 23rd April
Good morning! Thank you to those of you who read my postcard and used the e-form to tell me your answers. Today it's your turn to write a postcard back to me. Have Fun! 2020_4_19_147053_23_27_Postcard Home Learning Week 3 reply Literacy lesson week 3 Functional part 2 of 3 Numeracy-lesson-2-subtraction-week-3 Miss Swift
Thursday 23rd April P5A
Morning P5A, please find your daily learning attached! Have a great day! Mrs Kinnear Thursday 23rd April au-t2-t-10000074-earth-day-cloze-activity-sheet-english
P1 Home Learning Thursday 23rd
Happy Thursday everyone, I can't believe we have almost completed another week of home learning. Here is what we would like you to work on today. Literacy • Write a short letter to Miss Mackay or Mrs McKay all about your Easter holiday. If you click on the link you will see an example of [...]
Literacy - Functional, Postcard (part 2 of 3) P2/3
Thursday 23rd April 2020 Good morning! Many thanks to those of you who read my postcard and used the e-form to tell me your answers. Well done! Today it's your turn to write a postcard back to me. Follow the template to help you. You can write a comment here or post pictures of your work [...]
Reduced Screen Time P6.
PE Reduced Screen Time PE Tasks 1 - Create a map of your garden, or a space within your home. Remember to include a key to show what the symbols in your map mean. 2 - Compose a set of warm up exercises to show your family. 3 - Can you find different items / [...]
P4 - Thursday 23rd April Literacy Activity
Thursday 23 April Literacy Activities
P6B Work Thursday 23rd April
23.04.20 P6B Work Art Skills Maths Grid Reading Bingo Spelling Bingo Taskmaster Challenges Balloon Striking Catch the Cup Climb the Ladder Couch Island Golf - Rolling Scarf Toss and Catch Sevens Ball Game Socks in the box Speed Bounce Standing Long Jump Throwing and Catching Wacky Races
P1 Health and Wellbeing (P1L and P1S)
Playing and building is good for the development of the mind. It also makes us happy. Lego is great for building fine motor control. If you do not have Lego you could use building blocks or even items around the house - stationery, tins of food, cotton reels. Choose a few activities from the link [...]
P2/3 Phonics
Can you make some three-letter words using the letters - s m c k p n t a i ? You could use: chalk and write them out side. pen and write them on paper (you can write them as big as you like) use twigs or leaves to make the words outside Good luck [...]
I'm now on Twitter!
Hi P3! I've now got my twitter page so it might be easier to share pictures etc with me on there! Find me at @MissH55023156 Remember to only go on Twitter with an adult. Also, remember to not use your name in the tweet otherwise I won't be allowed to comment on it. This is [...]
Checking In - Hello P4S!
Checking In Please can everyone who is able to access the Blog, whether it is to view or download tasks please leave a comment below. It can just be a 'hello'. Thanks Mrs Sutton