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P5A - Thursday 30th April 2020

Morning P5A here is your daily learning! If you have any questions please pop over to Teams and we can help you out! Thanks everyone, have a great day! Thurs 30th April Volcano challenge P5

P2 and P2/3 - Extra Phonics Support

Thursday 30th April 2020 Phonics activity for today: Click on the link below to practise reading wording with the "f" sound. Choose phase 2 and then "f". Mrs Grenfell

P1 (P1L and P1S) HWB

Thursday 30th April 2020 Here are some Health and Wellbeing activities to choose from: Make/prepare/choose a snack and drink for you or someone else Design your favourite meal Draw the meals you have eaten today. Mrs Grenfell

For P1 - Harry Potter and a Magical Adventure

Hello P1, I hope that you have enjoyed todays learning and were able to take part in our mini-me challenge. If you didn't get a chance to do it today don't worry you can have a go anytime. I decided I would use my little Harry Potter figure to go on an adventure in the [...]

Mrs McKay's Mini Me

Just as I was about to go on my walk it started to rain so didn't get very far I'm afraid. Found some signs of spring in the garden-no bugs to see, which maybe isn't a bad thing as I don't know how Mini-Me might react to them. The tiny leaf made a good shelter [...]

Wednesday 29th April P3 Home Learning

Remember we are focusing on reducing our screen time this week. Literacy-L.I. To complete my comic strip Success Criteria I can develop my own story line. I can include speech in speech bubble. I can include some onomatopoeia. Then post a picture of it on Twitter (with an adult) tagging @TEAMUphallPS and @MissH55023156 . Remember [...]

P2/3 Wednesday :)

Good Morning All! I hope you are enjoying less screen time week. Here are today's tasks. I will post later the PDF of Fry's words for you to practise incase you have lost yours. Maths challenge 3 General task grid week 4

P5 - Wednesday 29th April

Morning P5 - attached is your learning for today. wednesday 29th april

P2- Wednesday 29th April

Good Morning Everyone! Lovely to see some pictures and comments this week! looks like lots of you are really enjoying outdoor learning! Here are today's activities! Maths Challenge Maths challenge 3 For Literacy, we will be reading and writing instructions for healthy snacks. Please read the instructions for making a fruit kebab. Literacy 29.4.20 [...]

P1 learning tasks Wednesday 29th April

Good morning. Here are your activities for today. Please also see plan for more details. Literacy Letter formation: C, O, Q Our new sound today is 'ou'. Where is the 'ou' sound made? (Note for parents it is a moving vowel sound made using a+oo) Can you think of any words that use the 'ou' [...]

Primary 2/3 Literacy - instructions 29th April

Wednesday 29th April 2020 - Literacy - Functional writing (instructions part 1 of 3) I hope you all had a lovely sunny weekend and managed to write some postcards. This week, we will be reading and writing instructions for healthy snacks. Please read the instructions for making a fruit kebab. You could tell someone the [...]

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