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Learning activities for P1-Wednesday 13th May

Good morning once again to you all. We would like you to continue working on your People Who Help Us project today. Can you guess who is wearing the paramedic uniform? Maths: continue to explore capacity measuring capacity at home (These sheets do not all need to be completed at once, you might find it [...]

P3/2 - PE

Hi P2, I hope you are ready for another exciting kids workout! The theme today is Spider-Man! Hit the link below to enjoy. As always, Joe Wicks has his live PE workout at 9am which you can find here

P6B Work - Wednesday 13th May

13.05.20 P6B Work Word Boost - Catscape 3 13.05.20 Wednesday 13th May - French Drinks and Snacks

P2 and 3 Extra Phonics Support

Wednesday 13th May 2020 Good morning Using coloured pens or chalk, write as many words as you can with a "b" in them. Read them to someone. Mrs Grenfell

P1 (P1L and P1S) PE

Wednesday 13th May 2020 Good morning. I hope you are all feeling ready for some exercise! Here are some activities for you to do. Mrs Grenfell

Tuesday 12th May P3 Home Learning

Tuesday A quick reminder that this is Art week and we are working towards creating your own at home Art gallery! Complete one activity from the Reading/ Phonics carousel Spelling phonicsreading carousel Literacy- I. To research your chosen artist Chose an artist whose work you like and do some online research about them. You can chose [...]

P2/3 Tuesday 12th May

Good Morning! I hope you are enjoying Art week and creating some fantastic pieces for us to see. Remember to send us pictures of your work to the school email or blog and we will showcase them online of Friday. We will be sharing our art work with you too! Here is the art grid [...]

P2- Tuesday 12th May

Good Morning Everyone! A quick reminder that this is Art week and we are working towards creating your own at home Art gallery! Maths Challenge! Today is looking at symmetry in shapes. Symmerty Phonics Yesterday we were looking at the ow sound. Today we are following that on with some more activities. I have also [...]

P2 - PE Spiderverse Workout

Hi P2, I hope you are ready for another exciting kids workout! The theme today is Spider-Man! Hit the link below to enjoy. As always, Joe Wicks has his live PE workout at 9am which you can find here

P6B Tuesday Afternoon

Geography - Create a leaflet about recycling. There is a free template in the link attached. Make sure to watch the clips on BBC Bitesize and create notes to help create your informative leaflet. Finish with the interactive quiz and upload pictures of your work. Art - Egg box and dog bone activity. You [...]

P3 Phonics - Extra Support - "ee" and "oo" sounds

Tuesday 12th May 2020 Please click on the link to practise "ee" and "oo" sounds. Then select "ee" or "oo". Mrs Grenfell

P2 and 3 Extra Phonics Support - b

Tuesday 12th May 2020 12-05-20 P2-3 Phonics Please click on the link above to practise the sound "b". Mrs Grenfell

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